Your comments

The list of formats supported have been added. You can check it out here -

Clicking "Back" button in your browser would have solved the problem.

Good feedback. We are working on it.

We are working on it. The support for Excel spreadhseets will be released along with user accounts.

It is a bug. We are finding ways to optimise it so the download can begin immediately.

When you share the files with others, they get "Download All" option. You don't get this option as a sender because you already have the files in your computer.

How did you open the link as another user? Only you have the option to delete the files, not those with whom you share the link. The best way to check this is to open the link in another browser.

We are working on it. Thanks for reporting!

Edit: The problem has been fixed.

We are working to support it.

We are working on it. Thanks for reporting!