
Don't Resize Videos

probiner 12 years ago updated by Ghaus Iftikhar (Founder) 12 years ago 0

 Hello Jumpshare. What you are working on is something amazing. If done right might become huge.

I just wanted to report that I uploaded a MP4 and it got resized. This is normally a non issue, but when videos have GUI elements, they get a little destructed.
Using Chrome, compare both links, by stopping the video around the time 0m17s:
(video has no audio)
- Jumpshare
- Google Sharing (change the resolution to 480)

When it comes to tutorials and such GUI elements become very important and when it's about programming, then the text must be stellar, so the video size must match.

Keep up. Cheers.



Good feedback. We are working on it.


Good feedback. We are working on it.