Your comments

 I see the area is now wait. Much better visibility. Only the italic in the comments needs to be fixed.


Hello Ghaus
To be honest I'll say "black over white" simply because it fits Jumpshare's color theme much more. Though, I personally prefer very light text (not white) over a very-low-brightness very-low-saturation blue alike" target="">Zenburn or Obsidian, but I meant it just a possible an alternative, since Jumpshare it's just the sharing corner, not the IDE where people are going to work.

But, there's definitely a problem with the font, "monospace" on my end (even though I have "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono"). Maybe some other good common fonts could be in place before "monospace".
Also there's italic in the comments, which I don't think is very comfortable.

Another example: Pastebin.
A copy to clipboard feature would be a nice option too :P
