Є відповідь

What type and size for the photo profile

Анонім 11 років тому оновлено Zuhair Anwar (QA Engineer) 11 років тому 0

I can't upload my photo profile.


Є відповідь

You should be able to change your profile picture easily if it meets the following creteria:

1. File size: less than 5 MB

2. Formats: png, jpg, gif

If you still cannot set the profile picture, kindly try another image. Let us know if the problem persists. 

Є відповідь

You should be able to change your profile picture easily if it meets the following creteria:

1. File size: less than 5 MB

2. Formats: png, jpg, gif

If you still cannot set the profile picture, kindly try another image. Let us know if the problem persists.