For feature requests, bug reports, suggestions and comments about Jumpshare, please post here. If you have a question, please try our Help Center first. If you cannot find the answer, search the forum to see if it has been already answered.


love the drag drop feature

Usman Ahmed 12 år siden opdateret af Francesco Migliorato 12 år siden 5

would be better if i could drag and drop from OS UI instead of dragging and dropping from browse window


I suggest to allow optional user registration

Anonym 12 år siden opdateret af Ghaus Iftikhar (Founder) 11 år siden 1

I suggest to allow users to optionally register to this site ( may be using Facebook connect, Google, Twitter etc). This will allow returning users to easily manage their documents and can upgrade their account to premium service, if there is any.....

This anonymous share is good. But seems confusing for the returning user because of following reasons:

1) User is given a URL where as the file is not yet uploaded. If for some reason the upload is stopped then it will be bit irritating for other users whom that user has shared the file with.....Similarly there is no mechanism like email confirmation for the successful upload other then wait on the screen.

2) If i upload a file from chrome then Firefox won't detect it and won't show it by default (from cookies i  guess).....

3) Once i click New share then i cannot return to previous uploads to add another file. A link should be displayed at the homepage so that i can add files to it later...

These are just few ..... Overall the service it cool and auto play option can make it viral...


That's a great feedback. We are working on introducing user accounts soon along with many other functionalities. Stay tuned!


List the file types

Anonym 12 år siden opdateret af Ghaus Iftikhar (Founder) 12 år siden 1
Would be good to have a list of file types.... this could come in handy for some of the older files I have like wk4.



The list of formats supported have been added. You can check it out here -


Do you planning to provide API?

Anonym 12 år siden opdateret af Ken Anderson 5 år siden 2

Yes, definitely. It's in the pipeline.


Direct link to images etc

Anonym 11 år siden 0


Awesome product - I have been a longtime user of Cloud. Overall I love everything, however one extremely important feature (at least for me) is missing - the ability to point directly to a file, instead of the Jumpshare view of the file. For example, I upload images all the time to Cloud to use in forum posts where I can then include the image in my post (html). However, for this to work, I much point to a '.png', '.jpg' or whatever file - not just to an url where the file will be displayed.

In cloud, when you view your file you can press 'direct link' and that points you to the actual .png (or whatever) file. Any chance we could see this with Jumpshare?



The website should be compatible with IE8

Anonym 12 år siden opdateret af Ghaus Iftikhar (Founder) 11 år siden 0

Is it planned?


Yes, we are working on making it compitable with IE8 and higher.


Not supporting Excel Files?

Anonym 12 år siden opdateret af Zuhair Anwar (QA Engineer) 12 år siden 0

Are you planning to support viewing of Excel spreadsheets?


 We are working on support for Excel spreadsheets. It will be released along with user accounts.


You are the best share service in the world!! Thank you!

Anonym 12 år siden 0



View inDesign files

Anonym 12 år siden 0

It would be nice to be able to view inDesign files :D


Login should be optional, not compulsory.

Anonym 12 år siden opdateret af Zuhair Anwar (QA Engineer) 12 år siden 0

By default, it must allow us to drop files as it was before. By only clicking on the login button, it must ask for login/register. Both Users' and anonymous files must be saved differently. Logging should only be optional. Sometimes I may not like to login to upload my files. If I really need to login, I can also login to my mail account, instead of JUMPSHARE. Please do this for all, and not only for 'members'.

Kundesupport af UserEcho